Front Cover Eye Kits

I was walking through my local drugstore, searching for something totally unrelated to sparkling (it happens) and KABLAM!  I was dazzled by these amazing kits by Front Cover, complete with everything you need for colorful, dramatic and glitterized eyes.  What’s even better is that whoever designed these lovely bundles of joy had the fabulous sense to put them in adorable cases decorated with photos of said sparkle eyes as well as other options with sequins.  My photos don’t do them justice (cameraphone), so do yourself a favor check out their website... it’s SPARKLE-TASTIC!

NYX Glitter Cream Pallet

Tomorrow is New Year’s Eve when we’ll finally say goodbye to tiresome 2010 and usher in “bringing back old-school partying 2011”.  You did get the memo, right?  Yes, this coming year is all about partying like it’s 2069, and while there are endless ways to add glitz and glamour to your evening, one of the easiest is to use NYX Glitter Cream Palletts (sure the correct word is “palette”, but that’s how it’s spelled on the packaging, and really- what do you want for $3.99? ). They come in an exciting range of colors and the cream is really an invisible base that’s jam packed with dazzling gems of glitter.  Shown in the photo is 07 Royal Violets, which has three fabulous shades of purple as well as gold and a silvery gunmetal. To see how much pizzaz they delivered, I skipped the applicator and just used my finger to pat some onto my lids. Tomorrow night, I’ll pump up the drama with eyeshadow and contour… KABLAM!

Glitter & Diamonds…Oh My!

It’s Wednesday and you know what that means…. it’s almost Friday!  In order to keep my Soldiers looking their Sparkling Best, I am posting this makeup tutorial from Richie Nickel who’s youtube channel, “What Style is to Nickel” has over 65,000  subscribers. The adorable Richie does this this world a huge service by educating people on how to push their looks to gorgeous extremes and this tutorial is my favorite because it’s pure SPARKLE MAYHEM! That’s right… when it comes to beauty, Richie knows that “MORE IS MORE”!

Another thing I love about about this makeup lesson is that it’s almost in “real time”.  That means you can accomplish this dazzling look in about 15 minutes depending on your current skills and supplies. I’m pretty sure you all have glitter and diamonds strewn about your home so get started now- … it’s almost Friday!
