James Brown once said, “Any problem in the world can be solved by dancing”, a sentiment that we echo and honor in the Sparkle Army.  Within our mission to spread the Word of Glitter, is to also have parties to bring people together to celebrate life, love, sparkles and freedom.  The freedom to laugh, smile, wear whatever we want (usually some kind of sequin number with glitter accents and bedazzled space cuffs) and to get down on the dance floor.  There’s no denying the sense of unity created when people are moving rhythmically under disco balls and laser beams, and this gorgeous phenomenon has been going on for decades.  As proof, I exhibit photos from the newest addition to my library of fabulosity, “Disco” by Roberta Morgen,  which are all accompanied by supportive captions.

Published in 1979, the theme of freedom and the priceless feeling that one gets from letting loose on the dance floor is consistent throughout this book.  It also offers us evidence that this powerful and sometimes religious experience was not exclusive to major cities. That’s right, dazzling on the dance floor was something that people everywhere joined in on (and still do!).  Check out this photo from the Lamar disco in Mississippi- with this kind of interior you can bet many fun and decadently free nights were had!

I must also give special mention to the makeup section because it’s almost as if I hopped in a time travel machine and wrote it myself, but alas, that’s impossible Soldiers (or is it?).  In any case, more proof that at one time, people everywhere had fabulous taste and made sure they looked their best while under flashing lights and through gobs of billowing smoke.

I’m so excited to now have this book in my collection because in addition to topics like music and fashion, it has a very strong message.  The message that dancing is an important part of life and that it’s something we need to feel happy, fabulous and most of all, free.  Plus, it’s also really great to know things haven’t changed that much.