Here’s the fashion scoop for summer and you heard it here first from Da General, inspired by today’s Sparkle Video.  Its starlettes, the lovely ladies of Dynasty, are dressed in all-white featuring shimmering spandex accented by metallic gold belts.  This super-chic look is destined to take over dance floors everywhere Soldiers, because nothing says summer like being inside a cavernous dark disco while flashing lights and laser beams reflect all over your fabulousness.  And that’s what we call “Satisfied”.


Today’s Sparkle Video features Chilly and their sparkling classic “For Your Love”.   Doesn’t this clip, with its disco dancing silhouettes, have the dazzling potential to be made into an unending party loop for our listening and viewing pleasure?  That’s just a suggestion for any “youtubers” out there that might want to make that happen and send me the link. Pretty Please!


Today’s Sparkle Video shows us what you get when you mix a classic by The Flirts, who look gorgeous in bedazzled black spandex, with colorful 80’s graphics: FABULOUS!  The sights and sounds in this clip of “Passion” seem designed to lead up to a giant libido meltdown, which could lead to sexy body moves and quite possibly, a hot and steamy dance floor make-out.  That’s just a warning Soldiers- proceed with caution.


Today’s Sparkle Video features a luxuriously dazzling Patti Brooks performing of her disco classic,  “After Dark”,  which all of you good Solders will recognize from the “Thank God It’s Friday” soundtrack.  The fabulous combination of her leg-revealing sequin dress and showgirl-style feather fan take this number to a whole ‘ nother level of sparkling sophistication which is being thoroughly enjoyed by the crowd dancing on a uniquely digital looking light-up dance floor.  This version is very short and makes me feel somewhat cheated, however since it ends it after the fabulous “dip” with her silky male dancer, I think I can get over it.


Today’s Sparkle Video is truly epic and not because of the star.  While Linda Clifford looks gorgeous in her flowing kimono style dress, fabulous hair and makeup as she’s belting out her classic, “If My Friends Could See Me Now”–  something else is a-brewing.  Yes Soldiers, something else.  Besides all those required elements of dazzle that we love like flashing lights and laser beams, there’s a Disco Spaceman in the background!  Sparklingly mirror-tiled from head-to-toe, he steals the show and at 1:03, he goes for it.  He’s hip-thrusting like a madman behind Linda to the point that she almost disappears, but she doesn’t and I want to scream, “Linda, move out of the way!”  And she knows it too and towards the end, the camera pulls in closer while they dance it out for total screen domination.


Today’s Sparkle Video answers the question, “What planet will you visit once space travel becomes available for civilians?”  Paradisco of course!  You know, the planet where leggy Dalida-like goddesses in glittering catsuits host showstopping parties night and day.  In fact, there is no night and day, just endless swirls of fun and everyone wears metallic gold from head to toe accented by glorious sparkling sequins.  And because this planet’s atmosphere naturally emits a billowing fog, there’s a never ending supply of disco smoke, which means a never ending supply of fabulous!  Who’s coming with?


Today’s Sparkle Video features a breathtakingly beautiful Grace Jones on a Montreal TV show from 1977 and is the perfect way to start this rainy day in New York City.  A smooth disco groove like this one and our Miss Jones in a slinky magenta metallic dress accessorized with space cuffs (get some!) is the perfect “pick me up” and all I need (along with a delicious cup o’ joe!) to get me up and on my way.  The flashing lights and crowded dance floor are an added bonus of fabulous and all of it together makes the best breakfast ever!

P.S.  Dear Soldiers:   I must say “Sorry” as I have been unable to devote myself to writing as much as I’d like to due to current circumstances, but very soon I’ll be back to blogging about all of your- and my-  favorite things so stay tuned…


Today’s Sparkle Video is a fine example of what the television experience should be like.  Tilt was an Italian show from the late 70’s whose entire concept was based on the most obvious choice:  the “discoteque”.  Yes Soldiers, there was a time when producers were cool and created shows based on what people really want which is flashing lights, thumping music and lots and lots of sparkle outfits.  But I digress – so back to this clip featuring disco sensation Belle Epoque making a guest appearance on the show, sparkling madly in dancing-school-fabulous attire while surrounded by party people blessed with the fever to “Jump Down” while they get down.  Perfection!


Today’s Sparkle Video is one of my all-time favorite songs and this clip of Raw Silk performing in the height of 80’s disco fashion is truly a rare sparkling diamond!  I also chose this because we are fast approaching the most fabulous holiday of the year when everyone casts aside their inhibitions (those who have some anyway) and dazzles from head to toe with reckless abandon. However, to be honest, I can’t be sure this was a Top of The Pops Halloween special, or “fancy-dress party as the Brits like to call it,  because it was 1982 and seeing a dance floor filled with supercharged freak-a-zoids was normal back then.   Longing for a time machine anyone?



Today’s Sparkle Video is a gem beyond sparkling gems, featuring the gorgeous Asha Puthli who’s making an appearance on Stryx (that other-worldly, space-tastic Italian television show from the 70’s).  She’s a magical vision to behold as she slinks into view wearing head-to-toe metallic gold.  Making it even more fabulous is the sultry disco beat of “Mister Moonlight” which dramatizes her flowing wings adorned by glorious space cuffs.  Yes Soldiers, what you are seeing is bonafide LeGaspi couture complete with his trademark trapunto quilting! The combination of her flawless beauty and his dazzling outfit design makes this video so dazzling, it’s- as they say- “everything“.